Our team is looking for people with dementia and their caregivers to participate in a research study.
|Research Participation Opportunity in Memphis at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center!
Research Participation Opportunity in Memphis at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center!
Dr. Jacob A. Goldsmith, an Investigator with the Neurorehabilitation & Cardiovascular Autonomic Programs at the James J. Peters VA Medical Center in the Bronx, New York, will present “The Role of Androgens in Neurophysiological and Autonomic Function in Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury” at Noon (CST) Wednesday, 12/06/23
ZOOM information jtwitche@uthsc.edu
Banner, including Self-Service, will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance December 6 from 6:00 pm – 12:00 am.
Neuroscience Institute welcomes: Keerthi Krishnan, PhD
Assistant Professor Department of Biochemistry & Cellular & Molecular Biology University of Tennessee Knoxville
“Elucidating the impact of X-linked mosaicism on neural plasticity and individuality” Tuesday, December 5, 2023 – 12:00 pm Link Auditorium **Coffee and cookies will be served**
Maxim Pipette will be performing on-site calibration in GEB on December 18. Bring pipettes to General Stores by 9am with your completed service request form and charge account information.
We reuse empty styrofoam containers for dry ice deliveries on campus. If you have any spare or unwanted containers email gstores@uthsc.edu or call 448-6152 to request a collection.