UTHSC Announcements

Monday Morning Mentor: How Can I Use AI as a Student Writing and Editing Coach?



TLC Webinar: Developing Clinical Observation Skills using Visual Thinking Strategies



Enrolling healthy subjects for a research project


Drs. Theodore Cory and Santosh Kumar are enrolling African American women for a research
project “Isolation of Blood from Healthy Control Donors”, to find out how the immune system
responds to infection with infectious diseases.
Subjects must be between the ages of 18-50, and generally healthy. Subjects must not be
heavy alcohol users, use illicit substances, have liver damage, have HIV, the human
papillomavirus (HPV), or be pregnant.
Subjects will be asked to provide 4 tablespoons of blood in one blood draw and will be
compensated $25.
Please contact Dr. Theodore Cory at tcory1@uthsc.edu, or 901-448-7216.

Currently Recruiting for Blood Fats and Diabetes Risk Study


Are you a healthy adult male or female, African American or Caucasian, between the ages 18-65 who has normal blood sugars and no personal or family history of diabetes.

2023 Norfleet Forum – Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Health Care


Friday, October 20, 2023
UTHSC – Mooney building, 2nd floor
7:30 AM – 3:00 PM (breakfast and lunch will be provided)

UTHSC News: UTHSC Researcher Expands National Discussion of Cardiovascular Health


Yangbo Sun, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine in the UTHSC College of Medicine, is helping to expand the national discussion of cardiovascular health and healthy lifestyles. With a research focus on chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, and breast cancer, Dr. Sun conducts research in areas of modifiable lifestyle risk factors, such as nutrition… Read More

Drop-Off Circle at 930 Madison Temporarily Closed Beginning Monday


FACILITIES Traffic Route to Drop Off Patients is Temporarily Changing at 930 Madison An underground steam leak has been discovered in the 930 Madison Building, which requires an immediate assessment and repair. This work will require the drop-off circle in front of the building to be temporarily shut down. Therefore, the traffic route to drop… Read More

Domestic Violence Awareness Month


Monday, October 23, 2023 | 11:30 am – 1:00 pm CST | GEB A202
Wednesday, October 25, 2023 | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm CST | Zoom