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OIED June 2023: PRIDE Documentary and Reflection Drawing


The Office of Inclusion Equity and Diversity is excited to invite the UT Community to participate remotely in commemorating the month of Pride by viewing this FREE documentary and submitting a reflection for a chance to win a  copy of the Book “The Remedy: Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care” by Zena Sherman.


“Stonewall Forever” documentary and Reflection drawing

Stonewall Forever – A Documentary about the Past, Present and Future of Pride: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjRv7dJTync

Reflect on the most poignant statements or thoughts derived from the documentary, and how it has changed your perspective regarding inclusion, equity, and basic human rights. 

Submit your response in an essay (no longer than 250 words) to hsc-oied@uthsc.edu