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Monday Morning Mentor: How Can I Use Generative AI to Assess Student Understanding?


Available March 4 – March 10, 2024

Password: generative81

Link to presentation: https://mondaymorningmentors.com

Think about your course’s learning objectives: what do you want students to learn or achieve? Most educators want students to grasp concepts, think critically, analyze, and synthesize information. Assessments are created and designed to gauge those abilities yet tend to rely on the student’s ability to write.

This Magna 20-Minute Mentor with Jean Mandernach, PhD, details how educators can introduce generative AI into assessments to evaluate student understanding beyond traditional reliance on written communication. Dr. Mandernach offers several AI-integrated assessment templates and strategies to refine assessments, catering to educators’ specific needs.

Assessing students’ thinking offers educators a clearer understanding of students’ comprehension levels, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking skills. This enables educators to customize teaching methods, provide targeted support, and foster deeper cognitive understanding, fostering substantial student growth.

Learning Goals

After viewing this Magna 20-Minute Mentor, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how to properly assess student understanding
  • Create and refine AI-integrated assessments
  • Implement AI-integrated assessments into the classroom

Topics Covered

  • Recent trends in assessment strategies
  • The merits of AI-integrated assessment
  • Different types of AI-integrated assignments and their uses
  • How to use AI as a tool to create assessment aids, such as rubrics