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Join ResearchMatch!


ResearchMatch.org is a free, online recruitment and education platform that securely matches people interested in participating in research with researchers throughout the United States. ResearchMatch has a network of 219 institutions for researchers and volunteers to connect to take part in their health research studies. Researchers have access to thousands of volunteers who may match with your studies. Volunteers join every day, so your chances of finding matches increase and the timeline to discovery gets shorter. 

Researchers are able to message a de-identified cohort of potential participants based on their study’s criteria (i.e., women between the ages of 45 and 80 with heart disease). Investigators must have IRB approval of the study and permission to use ResearchMatch as a recruitment tool before contacting potential volunteers. 

Visit ResearchMatch- For Researchers to register as a UTHSC researcher, to register a study, or to add yourself to an existing study. To register as a volunteer study participant, visit Participate in a Study. 

For a list of the most common questions researchers ask, visit the ResearchMatch FAQs webpage. 

If you need further assistance, please contact the TN-CTSI staff at tnctsi@uthsc.edu or 901.448.2874.