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Inaugural Duane D Miller Lectureship and Duane D Miller Graduate Student Award in Drug Discovery


The UTHSC College of Pharmacy Drug Discovery Center (UTCoP DDC) established the “The Duane D. Miller Lectureship” and its related graduate student award “The Duane D. Miller Award in Drug Discovery” in 2023. This lectureship and student award honor Dr. Duane Miller, Professor Emeritus at UTCoP, for his exceptional and long-lasting impacts on the establishment of the Medicinal Chemistry programs in UTCoP in 1992 after more than 20 years successful career at the Ohio State University, and his accomplishments in inventing several small molecule investigational new drugs (e.g., Enobosarm, Sabizabulin) that have moved to advanced clinical trials. The inaugural lectureship will be given by Dr. Miller on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, at 1pm to 2 pm, in room 102 of the Pharmacy building, with a zoom option:  https://tennesseehipaa.zoom.us/j/97786706697. You are welcome to come to this one-hour event to honor Dr. Miller. Any questions, please email to: drugdiscovery@uthsc.edu.