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Cybersecurity Tip of the Week – How Many Email Addresses Should a Person Have?


If you answered 3 or 4, you’d be right on the recommended average.

Think about the categories of how you communicate through email.

  1. Work/School – your UTHSC email address that should be only used for UTHSC correspondence. (You might want to review the Email standard for the permitted use of UTHSC email accounts.)
  2. Personal – Family, friends, relatives, personal social network accounts, house electricity bills, house properly tax notifications, etc.
  3. Spam – newsletters, and notifications from various websites, used when you have to enter an email address knowing it will probably be sold to others.
  4. Bank – if you have given your personal or work email addresses to too many people, using a separate email for your most sensitive accounts protects them from being part of a data breach.