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Administrative Reorganization


Dear Colleagues-Friends,

The UT Health Science Center has seen several big changes so far in 2023 – from the transition of several administrative leadership roles to an updated strategic plan with a “refresh” of our mission, vision, and values. Thank you for all your input and support as we have collectively embraced these organizational changes and opportunities. A strategic administrative reorganization is now a timely and appropriate next step as we build upon our new leadership and strategic plan in our collective pursuit of our vision – Healthy Tennesseans. Thriving Communities.

Please take a few minutes to listen about our reorganization: 

There are several reasons why a strategic reorganization is in our best interests at this time. It will:

  • Optimize the synergistic talent of new leaders and elevate their roles accordingly
  • Provide easier access and better service to our entire UTHSC community
  • Create greater cohesion among leadership with collaborative objectives
  • Balance internal and external presence
  • Enhance overall organizational cohesion and organizational health – help us get out of the silos and into one institution that advances a systems and statewide perspective
  • Align responsibilities in a better and more appropriate way
  • Enable greater communication 
  • Improve our brand image to the community and our constituents 
  • Implement the UTHSC Strategic Plan!

This is how we plan to approach this reorganization:

  • Phase I: Reorganization of the Office of the Chancellor in September
  • Phase II: Reorganization of the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor in October
  • Phase III: As we identify opportunities for further refinement of actions taken, or changes implemented, in Phase I or II in January 2024, as well as make any further reorganizations that are deemed appropriate

Below are the administrative changes effective today, September 13:

  • The Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer will now oversee the Office of Finance, in addition to the operating units, changing the title to Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Operating and Financial Officer 
  • The Office of Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity will now report to the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Operating and Financial Officer
  • Campus Recreation will now report to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success
  • In addition to being our administrative lead for our clinical and strategic partnerships, which includes support of our practice plans, the following units will now report to the Vice Chancellor for Strategic Partnerships:
    • University Health Services
    • Plough Center for Sterile Drug Delivery Solutions
    • West Tennessee Regional Forensic Center
  • The Center for Healthcare Improvement and Patient Simulation (CHIPS) will have a dotted line to the Vice Chancellor for Strategic Partnerships
  • The Office of Communications and Marketing will now report to the Chancellor
  • Special Events will now report to the Vice Chancellor for Communications and Marketing, with a dotted line to the Vice Chancellor for Advancement

Please view this organizational chart showing the new reporting structure of the Office of the Chancellor.

Please view this organizational chart showing the new reporting structure of the Office of Strategic Partnerships.

Thank you again for all your support during the last nine months of transition and strategic development and now as we evolve together toward a stronger, more strategic, UTHSC!

We look forward to serving you and to supporting our noble mission together.

With respect and gratitude,

Peter Buckley, MD Chancellor