Fourth-year medical students at UTHSC and their families waited anxiously on Match Day, March 21, to receive the envelopes that would tell them where they will go next for their residencies.
David Stern, MD, executive dean of the College of Medicine, addressed the group gathered at the Memphis Pink Palace Museum for the big reveal.
It was a notable Match Day, with the percentage of successful matches a little above the national average, according to the College of Medicine.
When the envelopes were unsealed, here’s how the numbers stacked up for the 145 students on track to graduate in May:
- 50 percent went into Primary Care (Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and OB/GYN). This is a bit higher than in the past, but reflects national trends.
- 47 percent are staying in Tennessee
- 43 percent will do their residencies in the UT system.
Congratulations to all!