Listserv: Student Listserv

2nd Annual ‘Youth & Family Wellness’ Health Fair


The UTHSC Shelby County Relative Caregiver Program is hosting the 2nd Annual ‘Youth & Family Wellness’ Health Fair on September 14, 2024, from 11 AM to 2 PM at Emmanuel Center (604 St. Paul Avenue, Memphis TN).

Open Enrollment for Dental Insurance Closes September 1


This is the last week you can enroll in student dental insurance for you and/or your dependent. This is also the last week you can drop dental insurance without being penalized. Open enrollment ends on September 1.

If you are interested in signing up or canceling your insurance please email to receive an enrollment form or cancellation form.

Currently Recruiting for Blood Fats and Diabetes Risk Study


Are you a healthy adult male or female, African American or Caucasian, between the ages 18-65 who has normal blood sugars and no personal or family history of diabetes.



Seeking Female Participants for Research Study on Cancer Risk Factors for The WELCOM study: WEight Loss and Cancer Outcomes in the Mid-South

Register now for Our Sept. 4 Population Health Research Conference Kick-off!


Population Health Research Conferences are back! Mark your calendar for Wednesday, Sept. 4, noon. Jim Bailey, MD, MPH, will present on the Neighborhood Health Hub Model: Extending Essential Primary Care into the Community. 208 Crowe Bldg. Lunch available at 11:45, first come first served. Register now! See you there or join us via Zoom.

2024 PHAST Faculty Candidate Seminar


Department of Pharmacology, Addiction Science, & Toxicology-2024 (PHAST) Faculty Candidate Seminar

Dr. Jessica Hoffman

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology presents the First Annual Research Forum


Please join us for the Department of OB/GYN 1st Annual Department Research Forum with Dr. Sarah Osmundson as our speaker. Date: September 17, 2024 from 8:00 am – 12:30 pm in the Freeman Auditorium. Breakfast and refreshments will be provided, so RSVP is required at

Miss the Recent AI Forum? You Can Still View It!


We’ve been discussing AI a lot lately, including a Help Shape the Future of AI on Campus forum. If you couldn’t attend the forum, no worries—life happens! You can still catch up by watching the recording.