Listserv: Student Listserv

Enrolling healthy subjects for a research project


Drs. Theodore Cory and Santosh Kumar are enrolling African American women for a research
project “Isolation of Blood from Healthy Control Donors”, to find out how the immune system
responds to infection with infectious diseases.
Subjects must be between the ages of 18-50, and generally healthy. Subjects must not be
heavy alcohol users, use illicit substances, have liver damage, have HIV, the human
papillomavirus (HPV), or be pregnant.
Subjects will be asked to provide 4 tablespoons of blood in one blood draw and will be
compensated $25.
Please contact Dr. Theodore Cory at, or 901-448-7216.

Currently Recruiting for Blood Fats and Diabetes Risk Study


Are you a healthy adult male or female, African American or Caucasian, between the ages 18-65 who has normal blood sugars and no personal or family history of diabetes.

The Mid-South Food Bank is Looking for Volunteers


Come Volunteer with your fellow UTHSC friends at the Midsouth Food Bank on four dates, including, March 20th, March 27th, April 17th, and April 24th. We will be volunteering from 1:00pm-3:00pm and transportation will be provided. Follow the link below to register today.

Volunteers will work in our Volunteer HUB on different tasks, as needed. Our most common task will be sorting through donated food, checking for package quality, and ensuring the product is “in date”. Volunteers will then sort the product into different categories, then box and pallet those categories.

Book Club at the Center Discussion


Join the Office of Access and Compliance for a discussion of The Water Dancer, a New York Times bestselling novel by Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Type 2 Diabetes Study Opportunity


This is a 6 month research study on the effect of diet on diabetes health which may help your diabetes to go into remission.

Hippocratic Notes Talent Show


Tuesday, February 20th at 12PM in SAC Auditorium. Sign up if you would like to perform! $2 entry includes chance to win a vintage Hippocratic Notes T shirt.

Are You a Student with a Hidden Disability? You May Qualify for a Study and Receive Compensation!


Kimberly Williams MS, PhD(C) is enrolling African American and non-African American students for a research study “Exploring the Matriculation and Resource Utilization of African Americans with Hidden Disabilities in the Health Sciences” to understand your experiences of having as disability and being a student in the Health Sciences. Subjects must be 18 or older, enrolled in any of the colleges of UTHSC, and be of any race. Subjects will be asked to complete a brief demographic survey and do a 60-90 minute interview via Zoom or in person. At the completion of the interview, students will be compensated with a $25 Amazon e-gift card. Please contact Kimberly Williams at or 901-448-1343.

Flags at Half-Staff


Flags over the State Capitol and all State office buildings will be lowered to half-staff from sunrise until sunset on Wednesday, February 14.