Listserv: Student Listserv

UTHSC Center for Cancer Research, Research In Progress, Join us Thursday, April 25th at 12PM, CRB Room114


Speaker: Wendy Effah, Graduate Student, Narayanan Lab

Topic:Unconventional Hormonal Therapeutics for Breast Cancer

Date and Time:Thursday, April 25, 2024,  12 – 1 PM, CRB 114

Virtual Meeting Information:

Zoom ID: 999 9351 6391   Password: cancer

Susan Miranda ( for questions/ UTHSC Center for Cancer Research Education Committee

College of Health Professions Seminar Series


Dr. Latoya Green, Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at UTHSC, will present “Imposter Phenomenon in Healthcare Professionals” at noon (CST) on Wednesday, April 24, 2024.
For ZOOM information, email

UTHSC Center for Cancer Research, Grand Rounds, Join us Tuesday, April 23rd at 12PM, CRB Room114


Speaker:R. Nicholas Laribee, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Pathology,  University of Tennessee Health Science Center

Topic:“Novel Mechanisms Mediating Nutrient Signaling, Organelle Function and Epigenome Regulation”

Date and Time: Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024 | 12-1 PM CST | CRB 114 

Virtual Meeting Information:

Zoom ID: 865 8544 0805 Meeting passcode: 105040

Are you using the most recent email signature?


The UT Health Science Center’s official Email Signature Generator has been updated to include the new vision at the bottom. The official email signature is required for all UT Health Science Center staff, faculty, residents, and students who are issued a UTHSC email address to use in all internal and external email communication – see policy CM0002-H Email Signatures… Read More

UTHSC News: College of Nursing’s Doctoral Program Ranked 25th by U.S. News & World Report


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s College of Nursing continues its strong showing among Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) programs nationwide with a No. 25 ranking by U.S. News & World Report for its DNP program on the magazine’s Best Graduate Schools list for 2024. The college’s DNP program has been ranked in the top 27… Read More

Student Appreciation Day!! 4/23


Come and join Student Success to celebrate Student Appreciation Day on 4/23 from 11am-1pm in the SAC Breezeway! FREE food, drinks, games, Shirts, inflatables, and more!!

Department of Preventive Medicine Biostatistics Seminar Series: Probabilistic methods to identify multi-scale enrichment in genomic sequencing studies


We kindly invite you to attend the seminar on Monday, April 22, 2:00 PM-3:00 PM CT. The speaker is Dr. Lorin Crawford, who holds the position of Associate Professor of Biostatistics at the School of Public Health, Brown University, and also serves as a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research New England.

ZOOM Seminar featuring Dr. Daniele Caprioli


Heroin, pharmacokinetics and its impact on self-administration relapse and sociability