Listserv: Student Listserv



Seeking Female Participants for Research Study on Cancer Risk Factors for The WELCOM study: WEight Loss and Cancer Outcomes in the Mid-South

Zoom is Now Zoom Workplace!


Zoom is now Zoom Workplace. Learn more about the new name and new features!

UTHSC News: New Pathologists’ Assistant Program Prepares More Students to Make an Impact


In its second year, the College of Health Professions’ newest program is continuing to grow. The first class in the Pathologists’ Assistant (PathA) Program started in January 2023, consisting of seven students who are now in clinical rotations and on track to graduate in December. The program expanded this January with 10 new students in… Read More

Cybersecurity Tip of the Week – Don’t Share Your Passwords!


We talk about passwords a lot. Create strong passwords. Use upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols. Use a password manager. But the easiest way to unsecure your password is to share it. Realize that if you share your password with someone else (family member, coworker, etc.) they have access to EVERYTHING in that account. If a department needs shared information, create a SharePoint site. Use Google Drive or another similar sharing app if your family needs shared information. There are many ways to share information that is much more secure than password-sharing.



Seeking Female Participants for Research Study on Cancer Risk Factors for The WELCOM study: WEight Loss and Cancer Outcomes in the Mid-South

Happy Independence Day!


“Americanism means the virtues of courage, honor, justice, truth, sincerity and hardihood … the virtues that made America.”— Theodore Roosevelt Enjoy and be safe on this holiday, as we celebrate our country! Happy Fourth! Peter Buckley, MD Chancellor

UTHSC News: Researchers Awarded Department of Defense Grant to Study the Role of Gut Microbiomes to Improve Outcomes in Dystonia


Mohammad Moshahid Khan, PhD, principal investigator and associate professor in the Department of Neurology in the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, was recently awarded a $308,000 grant from the Department of Defense for a study that will investigate the role of the gut microbiome in dystonia, a movement disorder of abnormal postures and… Read More

UTHSC News: New Pathologists’ Assistant Program Prepares More Students to Make an Impact


In its second year, the College of Health Professions’ newest program is continuing to grow. The first class in the Pathologists’ Assistant (PathA) Program started in January 2023, consisting of seven students who are now in clinical rotations and on track to graduate in December. The program expanded this January with 10 new students in… Read More