We invite you to a special DASH Town Hall event on January 10, 2024, starting at 1 p.m. EST. We are starting the new year BIG with not one, but three Town Hall sessions, focusing on Facilities Maintenance at 1 p.m., Finance at 2 p.m., and Human Resources at 3 p.m. (all times Eastern)! Join us for… Read More
Please join us in celebrating Kathy Lovett’s 30 years at UTHSC. Guests may come and go to the Mooney Library on December 1 between the hours of 12:00pm and 2:00pm , to extend their congratulations to Kathy. Refreshments will be served at noon, guest speakers will start at 12:20pm. Please RSVP if you plan to attend through this link: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=2RNYUX1x3UWeypqhnAnW-at_m9CuGRhCoLDXyo6yolpUODJLVlU0VU5UNzNLVFYwMllIMlJZUFdDSC4u
Virtual office hours will be held twice a week to assist faculty and staff with Ultra Course specific topics. Users are invited to join Consultants on December 5th and 6th for an Ultra Course Emails, Announcements and Assignments Q&A. Registration is not required for these drop-by as needed sessions.
Oftentimes, cybercriminals gain access through in-house negligence — hence, awareness is key. Teach those who hold sensitive information to recognize suspicious links, the role of strong password measures, and regular software updates, among other relevant factors. Notably, a strong defense starts with educated vigilance. Read more for tips on educating your family or team on cybersecurity.
UTHSC’s Office of Cybersecurity and ITS have developed new university practice on the acceptable use of generative artificial intelligence (AI). Read more for the link to the document.
Are you a healthy adult male or female, African American or Caucasian, between the ages 18-65 who has normal blood sugars and no personal or family history of diabetes.
Join the CGHS students today, Friday, December 1, 2-4pm in the Freeman Auditorium (930 Madison Building) for the annual Three-Minute Thesis competition. Presenters have three minutes and one slide to tell about the great research that they are doing!
To prepare users for the Ultra Course transition in spring, a Blackboard Orientation Training Course is available for faculty and staff to become familiar with Ultra processes.