Shrek the Musical is coming to the Orpheum! The Orpheum is offering a special group discount for all 5 performances of this show. Shrek the Musical – May 31 – June 2 “Once upon a time, there was a little ogre named Shrek…” And thus begins the tale of an unlikely hero who finds himself… Read More
Stop by and visit in the Madison Plaza Lobby to pick up a solar snack for your enjoyment during the solar eclipse! The first 300 people receive a pair of eclipse-viewing glasses.
While we are eager to embrace AI to help us do our work, we should do so thoughtfully. You also may be tempted to use one of the many “free” versions of AI assistants available on the web, but these could pose privacy and security concerns.
Beginning July 2024, unsupported Windows and Mac operating systems will no longer have internal network access without an exception request submitted to the Office of Cybersecurity and approved for continued use. We recommend you begin upgrading your computers as soon as possible. If your computer does not meet hardware requirements to upgrade to a supported operating system, we recommend planning for a computer refresh prior to July.
Dr. John G. Doench, Institute Scientist at Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard will present a seminar entitled “Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys? A Tour of the Functional Genomics Toolbox” Friday, April 12, 2024 via Zoom at 12pm CST. If you are interested in the Zoom seminar, Please send an email to Tamara Brock (