Listserv: Staff Listserv

Be Credit Card Wise


On June 6th at 2:00pm come to learn more about this month’s topic, Be Credit Card Wise. 

May 31 Deadline – Annual Required Compliance Training


COMPLIANCE REMINDERS -May 31 Deadline Fast Approaching: Regular Staff, Faculty, and Temporary Employees Please complete the Mandatory Compliance Training and Outside Interest Disclosure (OID) Form. All regular staff, faculty, and temporary employees must undergo compliance training and submit the OID Form on a yearly basis. Residents Please complete the Mandatory HIPAA Training and Outside Interest Disclosure… Read More

UTHSC News: Zhongjie Sun Awarded $2.4 Million to Study Regulation of Kidney Function and Blood Pressure in Aging


Zhongjie Sun, MD, PhD, Thomas A. Gerwin Chair of Excellence in Physiology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and co-director of the UT Methodist Cardiovascular Institute, has been awarded $2.4 million from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases for a project that may lead to new therapeutic strategies to… Read More

Buy Your Lab Supplies through General Stores


General Stores is a lab supply purchasing resource on campus

Poll Everywhere Presenter Training



Staff Senate Meeting


The Staff Senate will have its regular monthly meeting Thursday, May  30, from 2 to 3 p.m.

Upgrade Your UT Health Science Center Computer Before July (Windows and macOS)


Beginning July 2024, unsupported Windows and Mac operating systems will no longer have internal network access without an exception request submitted and approved by the Office of Cybersecurity.

UT Health Science Center Campus Police Joins National Seat Belt Campaign


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s Campus Police Department is joining the “Click it or Ticket” campaign with the Tennessee Highway Safety Office from May 20 to June 2 to increase seat belt enforcement.