We invite you to a special DASH Town Hall event on January 10, 2024, starting at 1 p.m. EST. We are starting the new year BIG with not one, but three Town Hall sessions, focusing on Facilities Maintenance at 1 p.m., Finance at 2 p.m., and Human Resources at 3 p.m. (all times Eastern)! Join us for… Read More
Drop in to the Advanced Imaging Core (AIC) (Johnson Building, Room 311) anytime between 10:00am and 3:00pm. Bring a prepared specimen for testing the Elyra 7 system to receive immediate feedback about sample quality and specimen suitability for imaging.
Dr. Vivek Kumar, Associate Professor at The Jackson Laboratory will present a seminar entitled “Mouse Homes and Hotels Towards a Scalable Infrastructure for Neuogenetics and Drug Discovery” Friday, December 8, 2023 at 1:30pm in the CRB Auditorium-Rm. 114 or if you are interested in the Zoom seminar, Please send an email to Tamara Brock (tbrock5@uthsc.edu).
Be aware of emails that pretend to be from someone you know on campus, possibly a department head or dean, asking for a “favor”. This is the start of a gift card scam and should be reported to abuse@uthsc.edu. Read more for details.
As part of the Annual Performance and Planning Review (APPR) process, it is crucial to verify or revise your details on the Personal and Contact Information screen in Digital Measures. The information displayed in the system is overseen by your MyUT/IRIS account, and any modifications should be carried out in IRIS. View the full announcement for specific details.
Dr. Vivek Kumar, Associate Professor at The Jackson Laboratory will present a seminar entitled “Mouse Homes and Hotels Towards a Scalable Infrastructure for Neuogenetics and Drug Discovery” Friday, December 8, 2023 at 1:30pm in the CRB Auditorium-Rm. 114 or if you are interested in the Zoom seminar, Please send an email to Tamara Brock (tbrock5@uthsc.edu).