Listserv: Faculty Listserv

FEBRUARY 26: VCR’s Distinguished Lecture: Alvin H. Crawford


Please mark your calendars and join us in-person on Monday, February 26, 3:00pm in the Freeman Auditorium for a talk by  Alvin H. Crawford, MD, FACS, Hon Causa GR, UC,

TLC Webinar: Implementing Psychological Safety: Do Your Students Feel Safe to Learn in Your Course?



Book Club at the Center Discussion


Join the Office of Access and Compliance for a discussion of The Water Dancer, a New York Times bestselling novel by Ta-Nehisi Coates.

Get the Newer, Faster Microsoft Teams


Microsoft Teams has recently undergone a major overhaul, with the new version being faster, simpler, and more flexible than ever before. Learn how to get it!

Are you a student with a hidden disability? You may qualify for a study and receive compensation


As a part of your participation in this study, you will be asked to complete an electronic demographic survey which will take 10 minutes to complete.  This survey will be made available to you via Qualtrics prior to your scheduled Zoom or in person interview and involves answering a series of questions.  The individual interview, which will take place via Zoom or in-person, will follow an interview guide to gain insight into your experience with having a hidden disability, and will last between 60-90 minutes. All participants will be given a $25 Amazon gift card after completing the survey and interview. Enrollment is for African Americans and non-African Americans.

Order Ahead, Pick Up And Go


Order Ahead, Pick Up And Go

Type 2 Diabetes Study Opportunity


This is a 6 month research study on the effect of diet on diabetes health which may help your diabetes to go into remission.

Enrolling healthy subjects for a research project


Drs. Theodore Cory and Camaron Hole are enrolling healthy subjects for a research trial
“Isolation of blood from healthy donors for in vitro infection and analysis”, to find out how the
immune system responds to infection with fungal pathogens.
Subjects must be between the ages of 18-40, and generally healthy. Subjects must not be
heavy alcohol users, use illicit substances, have liver damage, or be pregnant.
Subjects will be asked to provide up to 4 tablespoons of blood per visit, for a maximum of 10
visits, and will be compensated $25 for each blood draw.
Please contact Dr. Theodore Cory at, or 901-448-7216.