Listserv: Faculty Listserv

Research IT listening sessions


ITS will be hosting three more listening sessions this week for researchers to share their research goals and technology challenges. Lunch or refreshments (depending upon the time of day) will be served. Registration is required to attend.

2024 Frank M. Norfleet Forum for the Advancement of Health


Promoting Safe and Stable Relationships: The Power of Positive Childhood Experiences on Resilience Against Toxic Stress

Friday, April 12, 2024
The National Civil Rights Museum
7:45 AM – 3:00 PM (breakfast and lunch will be provided)

Role of the Anti-Anxiety factor Neuropeptide Y in Synaptic Plasticity and Traumatic Stress


Please Join us for a  seminar featuring

Dr. Lynn Dobrunz, PhD

March 13  from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

Cancer Research Building Auditorium

UTHSC News: State of the University Presentation Advances Statewide Vision and Momentum


The University of Tennessee Health Science Center is “building into the future” with statewide academic, clinical, research, and community partnerships, as it strives to improve the health of all Tennesseans, Chancellor Peter Buckley, MD, said in his recent State of the University presentation.  Tennessee ranks among the least-healthy states in America in lifestyle habits, overall… Read More

DASH Town Hall…Save the Date!


Good Morning, Friends of DASH! We invite you to our next DASH Town Hall event on Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. EST. You don’t want to miss this exciting session focused on training information! Mark your calendars to join us as we hear from leadership and see a demonstration of employee and manager… Read More

Windows 10 & 11 22H2 Automatic Updates


Windows 10 & 11 version 22H2 will be automatically installed on all eligible UT Health Science Center PCs starting after business hours on March 8th and continuing over the next four weeks.

TOMORROW: Seminar for new sequencing instrument at Molecular Resource Center


March 6, 2024, 1:15pm | CRB Auditorium

Join us for lunch and learn about the next level sequencing solution for NGS applications! Representatives from Element Biosciences will give a presentation on Element’s AVITI [TM] Sequencer, now at the UT Health Science Center’s Molecular Resource Center.

Social Media Hygiene Workshop


Come learn about ways of creating healthier relationships with your devices! Food will also be provided (first come, first serve).