Listserv: Faculty Listserv

Discount Airport Parking with FastPark Rewards Program!


FastPark is offering fast, convenient parking and shuttle service to UT staff, faculty, students and alumni at discounted rates.

Department of Genetics, Genomics and Informatics Seminar Series


Dr. John G. Doench, Institute Scientist at Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard will present a seminar entitled “Where Does He Get Those Wonderful Toys? A Tour of the Functional Genomics Toolbox” Friday, April 12, 2024 via Zoom at 12pm CST. If you are interested in the Zoom seminar, Please send an email to Tamara Brock (

TLC (TEI) Workshop: Improve Critical Thinking in the Clinical Learning Environment



Poll Everywhere Presenter Training



Monday Morning Mentor: How Can I Help Students Who Are Struggling with Online Learning?



Our team is looking for people with dementia and their caregivers to participate in a research study.


Research Participation Opportunity in Memphis at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center!

Are You a Student with a Hidden Disability? You may Qualify for a Study and Receive Compensation!


Kimberly Williams MS, PhD(C) is enrolling African American and non-African American students for a research study “Exploring the Matriculation and Resource Utilization of African Americans with Hidden Disabilities in the Health Sciences” to understand your experiences of having as disability and being a student in the Health Sciences. Subjects must be 18 or older, enrolled in any of the colleges of UTHSC, and be of any race. Subjects will be asked to complete a brief demographic survey and do a 60-90 minute interview via Zoom or in person. At the completion of the interview, students will be compensated with a $25 Amazon e-gift card. Please contact Kimberly Williams at or 901-448-1343.

Type 2 Diabetes Study Opportunity


This is a 6 month research study on the effect of diet on diabetes health which may help your diabetes to go into remission.