Mediasite maintenance is scheduled for tomorrow, June 29, 2024, from 12:00 am and 4:00 am CST. Extended downtime is not expected. However, your site may be unavailable for brief periods during this time.
Misinformation, inaccurate or false information, is used by scammers targeting social media. The idea is to make you (and everyone you share that information with) believe something that is potentially untrue. The general rule is to check and corroborate the source with reputable sources.
The Tennessee Highway Safety Office is hosting the 20th Annual Law Enforcement Challenge, featuring the “Tennessee’s Best-Looking Cruiser Award.” The UTHSC Campus Police Department has entered this competition with a photo of our new police cruisers against the UTHSC Campus backdrop in front of the Hyman Building.
The NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) encourages and retains outstanding graduate students recognized by their institutions for their high potential and strong interest in pursuing careers as independent cancer researchers. This award facilitates the transition of talented graduate students into successful cancer research postdoctoral appointments and provides opportunities for career development activities relevant to their long-term career goals of becoming independent cancer researchers. UT Health Science Center may submit one application.
The Tennessee Highway Safety Office is hosting the 20th Annual Law Enforcement Challenge, featuring the “Tennessee’s Best-Looking Cruiser Award.” The UTHSC Campus Police Department has entered this competition with a photo of our new police cruisers against the UTHSC Campus backdrop in front of the Hyman Building.