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UTHSC News: New Center for Student Success Aims to Better Assist Students on their Academic Journey


It seems a small thing, but help from the new Center for Student Success at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center resonated with Bahar Zarei, a new PhD student in pharmaceutical sciences.

“The first day I came here, I forgot my (phone) charger and they lent me one,” said Zarei, who is originally from Tehran, Iran. “There was always someone here who answered my questions.”

That’s exactly the purpose of the Center for Student Success, which hosted its grand opening for UTHSC students, faculty, and staff Thursday from 11 a.m-3 p.m. with food and giveaways. The center had a soft opening earlier this summer as all the elements were being put into place.

Located at 910 Madison, Suite 105, the center brings together in one office representatives from many of the services that students might need to help them succeed.

Read more on our UTHSC News website.