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UTHSC News: Match Day 2024 a Triumph for Tennessee’s Medical Future


Amid the blooming views of the Memphis Botanic Garden and in celebrations echoing statewide, 173 medical students from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine gathered Friday, March 15, for Match Day 2024.

Match Day is an annual rite of passage for medical students nationwide who discover where they will spend the next phase of their medical training as residents. It’s a day filled with nervous excitement, where years of hard work and dedication converge into a single envelope containing the key to their future.

This pivotal moment marked years of dedication and perseverance as these aspiring physicians discovered where their next chapter of medical training would unfold. Students eagerly tore open their envelopes, and joy and relief erupted across the room as they celebrated their matches. In a remarkable feat, all College of Medicine students would be moving forward in their medical careers, whether through residencies or research opportunities.

In a reaffirmation of the institution’s commitment to fostering local talent, it was revealed that 39% of these students would remain in Tennessee for their residency programs. This decision not only underscores the institutional vision of cultivating a group of physicians dedicated to serving their local communities but also highlights the state’s growing capacity to produce and retain medical professionals poised to address the health care needs of its citizens.

G. Nicholas Verne, MD, interim executive dean of the College of Medicine, expressed profound pride in the Class of 2024’s achievements, saying, “Today, we witness the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. These students represent the future of medicine in Tennessee, and their commitment to serving our communities is truly commendable.”

Read more at our UTHSC news site.