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UTHSC News: Chancellor Buckley Receives AACDP Leadership Award


The American Association of Chairs of Departments of Psychiatry (AACDP) has selected Peter Buckley, MD, chancellor of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, as the recipient of its 2023 Leadership Award.

The award honors one person each year for outstanding leadership, mentorship, and guidance to the field of psychiatry. As the award recipient, Dr. Buckley will be recognized and give a presentation at the AACDP’s meeting September 20 in Washington, D.C.

“It is a pleasure and a great privilege to receive this recognition from this departmental chairs leadership, which includes several present friends, especially as I was a prior leader in this organization,” Dr. Buckley said.

The association represents the leaders of departments of psychiatry in medical schools in the United States and Canada. AACDP is committed to promoting excellence in psychiatric education, research, and clinical care. It provides for its members leadership training, networking opportunities, and professional development.

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