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TLC Summer Olympics


We invite you to participate in an exciting new initiative: the 2024 TLC Summer Olympics! This program is designed to give faculty an opportunity to work on a specific aspect of their teaching with support from TLC staff and in community (and fun, light-hearted competition) with others.  

Faculty who enroll in this 7-week online summer program can sign up for one of the following ‘events:’ 1) Developing a Microlecture; 2) Designing a Low-Fidelity Simulation/Role Play; or 3) Using Collaborative Academic Technology. You will then work with a designated TLC coach to help you develop a useful product you can leverage in your teaching. Winners will be selected from each category and will be recognized at the TLC Celebration of Teaching Excellence in August 2024. 

Benefits to participants 

  • Recognition at the TLC Celebration of Teaching Excellence; 
  • Receive 1-on-1 and group coaching to help you meet your educational goals; 
  • Access to the TLC Summer Olympics 2024 Blackboard course, full of teaching resources; 
  • Prizes and swag for winners; 
  • Collaborate with fellow UTHSC educators; 
  • Use this event to set and meet a performance plan goal for 2024! 

Who? When? How? What if? 

  • Who should register?
    • Any UTHSC faculty member or graduate student with teaching responsibilities 
  • When will the program run?
    • The Opening Ceremony will be on May 31st and the online courses will officially kick off the first week of June. All submissions will be due July 17th. (Much of the work will be guided, self-paced, asynchronous work so participants do not have to commit to being available for 7 straight weeks as long as final submission is made by 7/17.) 
  • How do I sign up?
    • Please ask your chair or dean to email Tom Laughner (tlaughne@uthsc.edu) giving you permission to enroll in the TLC Summer Olympics. You will receive a follow-up email with information on how to select your event, etc. Registration closes on May 15th. 
  • What if I still have questions?
    • Please email Kelly Jo Fulkerson Dikuua (kfulkers@uthsc.edu) if you have any questions or if you would like to talk more about the program before committing.  

Our hope is that the TLC Summer Olympics give you the ability to carve out time to invest in your teaching in a way that feels manageable, supportive, and fun. Please visit our website for additional information. Thanks for joining us!