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Suicide Prevention Plan


Department Of Human Resources

Suicide Prevention Plan

According to the American College Health Association, suicide is the second most common cause of death among college students. Common stress producers, which could lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts, include financial issues, competitiveness, and acceptance.

As a result, the Tennessee General Assembly passed a law requiring all state institutions of higher education to establish a suicide prevention plan for students, faculty, and staff.

The University of Tennessee System prevention plan and additional resources are available at the UT System Human Resources website.

Remember, if you or one of your colleagues are in an emergency or crisis, call 911, contact one of your campus or state resources, or contact the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

Statewide Resources

  • Employee Assistance Program
    • 855-Here4TN (855-437-3486)
      • Offers free, confidential assistance to employees and their families and provides a wide range of resources to support employees dealing with many challenges, including but not limited to:
        • Suicidal thoughts
        • Grief and loss
        • Depression, anxiety and stress
        • Family concerns
  • Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network (tspn.org)
    • 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or text 988 (SMS)
    • Text TN to 741741
    • Available 24 hours daily to help anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts or a mental health crisis.
  • National Suicide Prevention Network
    • Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org

The University of Tennessee System provides an EAP through the State of Tennessee. Employees who feel stressed, depressed, anxious or have other concerns are encouraged to use the EAP hotline as early as possible. You should not wait until you are having suicidal thoughts – get help as soon as possible. The EAP number is 1-855-Here4TN, or 855-437-3486.


Many troubled individuals display behaviors that may deliberately or inadvertently signal their suicidal intent. If you, a UT colleague or a UT student exhibit any warning signs, seek help by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255). Certain risk factors may increase the likelihood that someone in trouble will consider or attempt suicide. To learn more about the warning signs and risk factors, please visit the UT Suicide Prevention website.

The University’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which can be reached at 855-Here4TN (855-437-3486), can offer ongoing support for someone who has either attempted suicide or who is affected by a suicide attempt of a loved one.

Additionally, eligible employees who need time away from work to seek mental health treatment may do so by requesting leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act or other University leave policies. For more information, contact your campus human resources office.