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Rid Yourself of Digital Clutter!


Have you ever opened your closet and thought, “I haven’t worn that outfit in 2 years. I should probably get rid of it?”

While we may remember to declutter physical items, we may forget to delete digital items that are no longer useful.

Here’s some info from ourĀ Naming and Organizing Files and Folders Using 5S knowledge base article to help get you started:


Start looking at documents on your hard drive and cloud storage and remove anything you no longer need.

  1. Start with the oldest files. Do you still need that file from 2014 that you no longer use? No? Delete it.
  2. Do you have five versions of a file? Is the last one the final version? If so, delete the other four.
  3. Still determining whether you will need something? Back it up, then delete it.

Do you need help determining where to backup documents? There’s an easy way to remember:

If you want to SHARE a file or folder with the department, use SharePoint, but if you are the only ONE that needs the file or folder, use OneDrive.