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Register for Upcoming SAS workshop October 24


The UTHSC ISPOR Student Chapter will be hosting a virtual workshop titled “Introduction to PROC SQL In SAS” open to all UTHSC students on Tuesday October 24, 2023 from 10am-12pm CST.  This worksop will be hosted by Lokesh Chinthala, MS, Director of Health Informatics for the UTHSC Center for Biomedical Informatics.  Zoom registration to attend is required by clicking the following link: https://tennesseehipaa.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYvfuyuqTMrHdM81d6M4PC_mpCSlpVRRSU9#/registration.  We look forward to you joining us.  For more information contact Kimberly Williams at kwilli72@uthsc.edu.