UTHSC Announcements

Research Participants Needed: Physicians/Trainees Affected by Infertility


We are conducting a research study to explore the impact of infertility on physicians and physician trainees employed in Memphis, TN. As a part of your participation in this study, you will be asked to complete an online survey, and an individual Zoom interview. Participants will be given a $25 Amazon gift card after completing the interview.

Publication Acknowledgements


SHOULD I . . .
. . . include Core Directors or staff as authors on abstracts/publications?

Institutional research core lab personnel should be recognized for the critical services they provide, and for their breadth of expertise in technologies and services that drive research progress.

HOW TO acknowledge UTHSC’s institutional core facilities in publications


HOW TO . . .
. . . acknowledge UTHSC’s institutional core facilities in publications:

Name the specific institutional research core facility and clearly state how the core contributed to the research.

Grant and Proposal Budgets


. . . include core directors or staff in my proposal/grant application budget as investigators?

Lab Equipment Alarm Protocol


A story about the loss of research specimens and subsequent lawsuit has circulated recently. University personnel should be aware of how to respond when you hear alarming equipment. 

Verified Credentials Training and Q&A


Meet with the representative from Verified Credentials. If you need any extra training or have questions please click the link to sign up. This will take place over 2 days. Q&A will happen Monday, July 10 @10 am. This will be virtual only. During the Q&A you will have the opportunity to ask question about verified credentials. The training will be in person and virtual on Wednesday, July 12 @10AM. The in-person training will take place in the GEB building room A104. Sign up link: https://forms.office.com/r/ZdZMLAP4cF

Earn $250 by Scheduling Your On-Site Biometric Screening with Quest Diagnostics


Learn more about the Wellness Program and how to earn cash incentives.

Type 2 Diabetes Study Opportunity


This is a 6 month research study on the effect of diet and your diabetes health may help your diabetes to go into remission.