UTHSC Announcements

Enrolling healthy subjects for a research project


Drs. Theodore Cory and Santosh Kumar are enrolling African American women for a research
project “Isolation of Blood from Healthy Control Donors”, to find out how the immune system
responds to infection with infectious diseases.
Subjects must be between the ages of 18-50, and generally healthy. Subjects must not be
heavy alcohol users, use illicit substances, have liver damage, have HIV, the human
papillomavirus (HPV), or be pregnant.
Subjects will be asked to provide 4 tablespoons of blood in one blood draw and will be
compensated $25.
Please contact Dr. Theodore Cory at tcory1@uthsc.edu, or 901-448-7216.

Monday Morning Mentor: How Can I Intentionally Create a Course that Boosts Learning and Decreases Student Stress?



TLC Webinar: Developing Clinical Observation Skills using Visual Thinking Strategies



DV 101 with Shelby County Crime Victims and Rape Crisis Center


Informational Zoom on Domestic Violence- Tuesday, October 10, 2023 | 10:00 am – 11:00 am CST

Register NOW! Grant Writing Seminar Series hosted by the Department of Preventive Medicine and the Tennessee Clinical and Translational Science Institute


Session 2 of the Preventive Medicine Grant Writing Seminar Series is this coming Friday (10/13). This Seminar Series was developed as an intensive experience to enhance research capacity and opportunity at UTHSC. Registration is open for the October sessions.

General Stores Needs Styrofoam Containers


Styrofoam containers needed for dry ice deliveries on campus

Make Sure Your Zoom App Is Updated


Zoom may not work correctly or even kick you out of a meeting if the app is outdated. Learn how to check if you have the current version.

Open Enrollment is October 1 – October 13


The choices you make during the Annual Enrollment period are effective January 1 – December 31, 2024.