UTHSC Announcements

Are you using the most recent email signature?


The UT Health Science Center’s official Email Signature Generator has been updated to include the new vision at the bottom. The official email signature is required for all UT Health Science Center staff, faculty, residents, and students who are issued a UTHSC email address to use in all internal and external email communication – see policy CM0002-H Email Signatures… Read More

REGISTER NOW: NIH Grants Process Webinar, “A Brief Walk-Through for Beginners”


Wednesday, May 15, 2024  

12:00 – 1:30 pm CT

1:00 – 2:30 pm ET

New to working with the NIH grants process? Make plans to join your peers as the NIH walks through essential aspects of applying for funding, including:

VCR Finalist Presentation: Watch the Recording


Dr. Jessica Snowden, Vice Dean for Research at UAMS College of Medicine and finalist for the Vice Chancellor for Research position at UT Health Science Center, gave a presentation to our campuses this afternoon, sharing her thoughts on the opportunities and challenges facing academic research over the next five years.

May 16th – Mindfulness Workshop!


Learn strategies to implement mindfulness into your busy routine. Open to all.

Are You a Student with a Hidden Disability? You may Qualify for a Study and Receive Compensation!


Kimberly Williams MS, PhD(C) is enrolling African American and non-African American students for a research study “Exploring the Matriculation and Resource Utilization of African Americans with Hidden Disabilities in the Health Sciences” to understand your experiences of having as disability and being a student in the Health Sciences. Subjects must be 18 or older, enrolled in any of the colleges of UTHSC, and be of any race. Subjects will be asked to complete a brief demographic survey and do a 60-90 minute interview via Zoom or in person. At the completion of the interview, students will be compensated with a $25 Amazon e-gift card. Please contact Kimberly Williams at kwilli72@uthsc.edu or 901-448-1343.

May 16th is Global Accessibility Awareness Day!


May 16th is Global Accessibility Awareness Day! Look out for these upcoming events to learn and spread awareness!

Let Us Know How You Prefer to Learn New Technology Skills!


Please fill out our brief, 5-question survey about how you typically learn new technology skills.

Paying for ChatGPT? Use Secure UT Verse and Copilot for Free Instead!


Before buying ChatGPT, take a look at UT Verse and Copilot for your AI needs. Both UT Verse and Copilot offer AI functionality AND include protection for your data. And did we mention they are both free?