Dr. Ruben van Boxtel, Oncode Investigator at Oncode Institute-The Netherlands will present a seminar entitled “Tracing the Origin of Therapy-Related Leukemia Using Single-Cell Genome Sequencing” Today, May 17, 2024 in the Cancer Research Bldg Auditorium-Rm 114 and via Zoom at 12pm CST. If you are interested in the Zoom seminar, please send an email to Tamara Brock (tbrock5@uthsc.edu).
DUO Fatigue, or MFA (multi-factor authentication) fatigue occurs when you’ve gotten so used to hitting “Accept” when a push comes through, you do it automatically even if you don’t initiate the push. It also occurs when you are bombarded with push notifications and you just want it to stop, so you finally accept it. Both scenarios are usually bad actors who already have your compromised credentials and need to get through that final layer of protection to get to your information. Our campus and other UT campuses have seen a rise in these attacks, so BE CAUTIOUS in accepting DUO pushes. Read more about the scenario happening in our environment that is costing our people money.
The ITS Newsletter is back with articles about AI, Duo changes, DASH, and what those who are new or leaving the university need to know about UT Health Science Center tech resources.
Beginning July 2024, unsupported Windows and Mac operating systems will no longer have internal network access without an exception request submitted and approved by the Office of Cybersecurity.