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Monday Morning Mentor: How Can I Use Everyday Interactions to Instill a Growth Mindset in Students?

Available February 12 – February 18, 2024
Password: mindset48

Link to presentation: https://mondaymorningmentors.com

By framing daily interactions with students to consistently remind them that learning is bumpy, messy, and nonlinear; that sometimes it involves trying new approaches; and that there is much to gain by reflecting on missteps, teachers can change communication with students in order to build small moments of opportunity for shifting from a fixed to a growth mindset. This 20-Minute Mentor features an experienced educator that explains how to encourage a growth mindset in several routine teacher-student interactions, while providing specific examples and successes from her own process.

Learning Goals

After viewing this Magna 20-Minute Mentor, participants will be able to:

  • Define the attributes of growth and fixed mindsets
  • Pinpoint areas in which you can better communicate a growth mindset to students
  • Identify mechanisms for normalizing the struggles associated with learning as a process

Topics Covered

  • Growth and fixed mindsets
  • Supporting students in making mistakes
  • Responding when students experience difficulties
  • Responding to common challenges from students