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Introducing UT Verse – AI Chat for Us!


Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,

We are thrilled to announce the launch of UT Verse, a chat-based, AI-powered platform for the University of Tennessee community! This powerful tool provides a secure way to use artificial intelligence to generate ideas and content, ensuring your conversations are not shared outside UT.

Access UT Verse by logging in with your UT email address and password.

What can you do with UT Verse?

  • Protect your data: Have AI conversations about topics that are geared toward our internal audiences, university business, and research with the confidence that your data will not be used to train public AI models. (But, please, no protected health information or personal identifiable information.)
  • Amp up your searches: Receive conversational responses to your inquiries, to which you can easily ask more questions, elaborate, and expand.
  • Revolutionize your productivity: Use UT Verse for everything from writing and editing document drafts to generating new ideas to being a study partner and lots of other tasks in between.

However you choose to use AI, make sure to do so responsibly and wisely. Learn more about AI benefits and caveats, university standards, best practices, terminology, and other related campus resources at our Artificial Intelligence webpage.

Have an AI-driven idea that you want us to help you implement? Submit a project request.

Or ready to make an AI purchase? Request a technology review.

Get started today and see how AI can help you!