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Help Us Help You with UTHSC TechConnect Article Feedback!


We love sharing information with you, and that’s what our Knowledge Base in UTHSC TechConnect is all about!

But sometimes we miss a step, or there was a software change, or an article needs to be easier to understand. Maybe we need to add more screenshots to the instructions.

That’s where you come in! Help us have the best possible knowledge base articles by giving us feedback on our articles.

For example, look at the Official UTHSC Email Signature article. Was it helpful? There is a Yes or No button at the end of each article – let us know!

And if it wasn’t helpful, click the Comment button to let us know what needs to be changed, and we will use that feedback to update the article.

If we are missing an article you would love to see in the knowledge base, let us know by filling out a service request.

We appreciate all your comments and feedback!