Please let us know if you have any empty dry ice/styrofoam containers to return to General Stores, spares that you don’t need, or any that would otherwise be discarded.
General Stores is a self-supporting, non-profit entity on campus. We reuse packing materials, boxes, and containers. Styrofoam containers are essential for packing the dry ice we deliver to you. We deliver hundreds of pounds across campus each week, so we always need more containers. At this time we only have large sized containers left. Containers for quantities of 10 pounds and under would be immensely appreciated.
If you have styrofoam containers tucked away in the corner of your lab, hidden in a storage room, or in a pile for the the trash, please consider giving them to General Stores.
We will gladly collect any spare containers or materials from you. Email us at or call us at 901-448-6152.
Thank you for your ongoing support!