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Digital Business Card Fundraiser


Just a friendly reminder that the College of Pharmacy’s APhA-ASP’s digital business card fundraiser will be coming to a close on Wednesday, October 2nd – just one week from today! Not only are digital business cards a fantastic tool to have for rotations, job-hunting, annual meetings, general networking, and more, but all proceeds go towards UTHSC APhA-ASP initiatives! Please view the attached previous email for more information regarding how Popl cards work and how to set them up.

I also wanted to emphasize that digital business cards may be purchased as a gift since each card has a unique QR code for setup. Additionally, if you are interested in purchasing back-up cards for current or future use, multiple cards may be attached to one profile! Please reach out if you have any questions, and thank you again for supporting UTHSC APhA-ASP!

Digital business card order form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=2RNYUX1x3UWeypqhnAnW-Wg1rvXqGktAk_oi7p69z9dUMjA5WUtYSVUxT01IWEFVTjRGREJERkpTRC4u

For more info, contact:

Monét E. Harriman, BS, BSPS

PharmD/MBA Candidate 2026

UTHSC College of Pharmacy – Knoxville
