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Cybersecurity Tip of the Week – Stick to Approved Sources for Software


When it’s time to download a web browser or any common application or software, always use approved software libraries like SCCM or Company Portal for Windows, or Self Service for Apple devices. These trusted sources ensure you get legitimate, up-to-date software without hidden malware or vulnerabilities. Avoid clicking on links from unknown websites—what looks like a harmless download could be a trap. Downloads from webpages often include other software you don’t want or need. Protect your system and data by keeping it clean, secure, and sourced from reliable repositories.

For UTHSC-owned Windows devices, you have SCCM or Company Portal as your library. Search for either by clicking the Windows icon in the lower left-hand corner of your screen and start typing to find which one you have.  For Macs, open the Self Service application, which appears on your Dock, or in your Applications folder.

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