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Commons ID Required for All on Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Form, Effective Mid-January (NIH Extramural Nexus)


In April 2021, NIH announced that all personnel listed on the R&R Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Form must have an eRA Commons ID. Those who did not comply were given a warning.  Fast forward to now. Having given ample notice to the applicant and recipient community and seeing a high level of compliance, NIH will now update the warning to an error for non-compliance with this requirement in mid-January. Applicants will receive an error if the “Credential, e.g., agency field” is blank or does not contain a valid eRA Commons ID for all personnel on the form. That includes Senior/Key Personnel and Other Significant Contributors. Errors must be corrected before an application can be successfully submitted to the agency. See NOT-OD-24-042. https://nexus.od.nih.gov/all/2023/12/22/a-reminder-commons-id-required-for-all-on-senior-key-person-profile-expanded-form-effective-mid-january/