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Campus Safety of Outdoor Cooking Events


Individuals planning outdoor cooking events must notify the UTHSC Fire Safety Coordinator at least one day in advance. Inform the Fire Safety Coordinator by emailing safety@uthsc.edu. In the email, please provide the event time, a description of the event location, and contact information for an individual responsible for on-campus coordination of the event. The Fire Safety Coordinator will work with the individual coordinating the event to ensure appropriate fire safety precautions have been taken and will note event occurrence in case the fire department is contacted.

Examples of fire safety considerations to be addressed include ensuring the availability of an appropriate fire extinguisher, adherence to appropriate precautions for cooking operations and the availability of emergency evacuation routes. Food trucks are required to be permitted by the City of Memphis and must adhere to National Fire Protection Association requirements that include:

  • Located at least 10 feet away from buildings.
  • Do not block fire lanes and ensure fire department accessibility.
  • Fire extinguisher available.
  • Properly secured fuel cylinders

If you have any questions about fire safety, campus emergency response procedures or to report a concern please email safety@uthsc.edu.