In the Media Tag: SASSI

College academic support hub adds mental health care

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Students at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center now receive more than just academic assistance from the office of Student Academic Support Services and Inclusion. Besides its traditional tutoring and other academic-related services, the office recently added mental health counseling.

UTHSC adopts model for student mental health services

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The University of Tennessee Health Science Center’s new initiative for focusing on the mental health of students promises to be a model for other academic health science institutions across the country.

UTHSC Adopts Innovative Model for Student Mental Health Services

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When third-year medical student Hannah Ashitey was preparing for a major exam, she turned to the Office of Student Academic Support Services and Inclusion (SASSI) for help with her studies. Ashitey got more than just academic assistance, and she believes the help made a big difference in her success.