In the Media Tag: Dr. Jon McCullers

Leadership Memphis honors 10 Change Makers for 2022

The Commercial Appeal

Dr. Jon McCullers, pediatrician-in-chief and chair of the Department of Pediatrics, COO, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and The University of Tennessee Health and Science Center.

State Dept. of Health Simplifies Booster Eligibility

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If federal guidance on who needs a booster shot seems complicated and long, the state commissioner of health shortens it to two words: “should” and “may.” Yes, if you are 65, you should get a booster, says Dr. Lisa Piercey. The same is true of anyone living in a long-term care facility and those ages… Read More

5- to 11-year-olds may have COVID vaccine by Halloween

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“A lot of groups, including children’s hospital groups, are urging the FDA to rapidly review and turn this one over,” said Dr. Jon McCullers, chief pediatrician at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. McCullers also is on faculty at UTHSC.

COVID-19 Spreading Questions Faster than Answers; Maybe This Will Help

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(First of two stories) By Sept. 3, 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic had produced a staggering 220 million cases worldwide and claimed some 4.5 million lives. Just in Shelby County, there have been more than 127,500 confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19, and nearly 1,900 deaths. So in an effort to bring more clarity and delineation… Read More

Answers to COVID Questions Follow the Science, Not a Wish List

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By Sept. 3, 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic had produced a staggering 220 million cases worldwide and claimed some 4.5 million lives. Just in Shelby County, there have been more than 127,500 confirmed or probable cases of COVID-19 and nearly 1,900 deaths. But in these 18 months, uncertainty has been as prevalent and transmissible as the… Read More